Past Events

MCPF Penang attends PGO2024 Press Conference at Auditorium A, 5th Floor, KOMTAR


A Press Conference on “Penang Goes Orange 2024” with the Theme: #Swipe2Stop focusing on the  awareness and prevention of “On- Line Sexual Violence” amongst youths between the ages of 18 to 30 years old (primarily females) was held at Auditorium A, 5th Floor, KOMTAR on Monday, 18th November 2024. The Opening Speech was delivered by the Organizing Chairperson YB Puan Lim Siew Khim, Penang State EXCO for Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Affairs). YB Tuan Daniel Gooi Zi Sen, Penang State EXCO for Youth, Sports and Health; and, Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Bee Leng, Chief Executive Officer of Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) also addressed the attendees. Also in attendance were PWDC Directors; UiTM Heads; Program Sponsors FLEX Technology Sdn. Bhd. And IPK College. Representatives from Penang Digital; Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) Penang; Penang Youth Development Corporation (PYDC); NGOs; and, students from Higher Learning Institutions were also present. MCPF Penang was represented by its State Liaison Committee Members Mr. Joseph Sawaremuthu and Encik Rahumathullah Ibrahim. This year’s PGO 2024 program (the 11th consecutive year of Penang Goes Orange) will kick start from 25th November to 10th December 2024 as it is being headed and organized by PWDC. The Opening ceremony will be held on 7th December 2024 at UiTM campus, Permatang Pauh. It is envisaged that MCPF Penang in collaboration with MCPF Federal / Secretariat led by its Corporate General Manager Tuan Norazlan Haji Idris will be setting up a booth and will share brochures on Drugs; Force Labor; AWASPADA (Awas Media Sosial Dan Permainan dalam Talian); SCAMs and latest bulletins on Love Scams, Sexual Crimes, Online Sexual Harassment, etc.