Past Events

MCPF Penang attends PGO 2023 Task Force Meeting at Jade Room, Level 31, KOMTAR


MCPF Penang SLC Members Joseph Sawaremuthu and Rahumathullah Ibrahim attended a PGO 2023 Task Force Meeting held at Level 31, KOMTAR on 6th October 2023. The meeting was chaired by YB Puan Lim Siew Khim, State Assemblyman from Sungai Pinang and EXCO for Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Affairs who led discussions with attendees alongside Puan Ong Bee Leng, CEO, PWDC. Also in attendance were YDH SAC Puspanathan a/l Wiresingam, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department, Penang; representatives from Penang State Education Department; and, Staff from PWDC. This meeting focused on the Launching of PGO 2023 at the Esplanade on 25th November 2023.