Past Events

MCPF Penang attends Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) Virtual Meeting on Penang Goes Orange 2024 Campaign


A Virtual (Zoom) Meeting focusing on Penang Goes Orange 2024 was organized and chaired by Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC) on 2nd October 2024. PWDC CEO Dato’ Ong Bee Leng delivered the Opening and Closing Remarks. The Virtual Meeting was facilitated by Tuan Farid Arsyad and supported by Ms. Mangleswary Subramaniam (also ex-officio MCPF Penang SLC). MCPF Penang Attendees were Committee Members Encik Rahumathullah Ibrahim and Mr. Joseph Sawaremuthu supported by Secretary JM Tan. This is the 11th Year of PGO with this year’s Focus being ‘Online Sexual Violence’ and Theme of #Swipe2Stop targeting 18-35 years old adults. Stay tuned for more updates and how MCPF Penang roles / responsibilities will be.