Past Events

MCPF Penang and MCPF Barat Daya DLC attends Penang State level Program Karakter Insaniah Launching at SMK Seri Balik Pulau


Majlis Peluncuran Kit Atur Gerak Duta Sahsiah Perkasakan Karakter Karamah Insaniah Peringkat Negeri Pulau Pinang Tahun 2024 [“Launching Ceremony of the Penang State-level Personality Ambassador Kit Year 2024”] was successfully carried out on Monday, 25th November 2024, 6:50 am to 10:00 am at SMK Seri Balik Pulau. VIPs in Attendance were YDH DCP Dato’ Mohd Alwi bin Zainal Abidin, Deputy CPO of Penang; Tuan Haji Wan Sajiri bin Wan Hassan, Director of Penang State Education Department; Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng, Chairman, MCPF Penang; YDH ACP Sazalee bin Adam, OCPD Barat Daya; and, 5. Y.Brs. Tuan Haji Shamsul Fairuz bin Mohd Nor, Head of Barat Daya District Education Office. Also in Attendance were YDH Supt. Nermaljit Singh a/l Bakhtawar Singh, Deputy OCPD Barat Daya; Y.Brs. Tuan Fadzil Sadikin Assistant Director of Education (Student Development Sector), Penang State Education Department / also MCPF Penang SLC ex-officio JPNPP; ASP Zaitun binti Saad, Division Head of Crime Prevention & Community Safety, Barat Daya District / also Vice-Chairman (I) ex-officio MCPF Barat Daya DLC; Puan Nadzirah Binti Omar,Barat Daya District Education Officer (Student Affairs) / also Treasurer, MCPF BaratDaya DLC; other Police Officers from IPK Pulau Pinang and IPD Barat Daya; other Penang State and Barat Daya District Education Officers / Staff; AADK Penang and Barat Daya District Officers / Staff; School Teachers and Students. MCPF Penang Secretary Mr. Johnny Michael Tan; MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman Mr. James Mohan and MCPF Penang SLC Member Mr. Joseph Sawaremuthu were also present to support the Program. The Daily School Management Division (BPSH) of the Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) in collaboration with the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) organized the Launching Ceremony of the National Level Personality Ambassadors for the Formation of Human Character in 2024.

Therefore, the implementation at the school level is being carried out as scheduled, on 25 November 2024 (Monday). This launch will elevate students as ambassadors who are the biggest stakeholders besides teachers, the State Education Department (JPN), and the District Education Office (PPD). The Program Objectives include: 1. Strengthening collaboration between PDRM and KPJ and schools and PPS (School Liaison Officers); 2. Helping prevent disciplinary misconduct of school students involved in criminal activities and illegal, immoral behaviour; 3. Appointing students as School Ambassadors to promote the Sexual and Bullying Guidelines of Malaysian Educational Institutions; and 4. Having more systematic and effective guidelines for Duta Sekolah (School Ambassadors) to play a more meaningful role and ensure uniformity in the implementation of the program. Congratulations to Teachers who were awarded for their outstanding accomplishments by the Penang State Education Department. Students representing various Penang state Schools who won various competitions related to this Program were also recognized and applauded.