Past Events

MCPF Penang and Crime Consciousness Penang Safety Society (CCPSS) holds dialogue at PGC Golf View Room


MCPF Penang and Crime Consciousness Penang Safety Society (CCPSS) held a dialogue at PGC Golf View Room on 20th August 2022 to discuss on common threads with regards to Vision / Mission of both like-minded NGOs and possible projects / avenues for collaboration and cooperation. MCPF Penang were represented by Y.Bhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng (Chairman); Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran (Deputy Chairman); JM Tan (Secretary); Harikumar Katherasen (Treasurer); Y.Bhg. Dato’ M. Kaleessvaran (Committee); Felix Chuah (Timur Laut DLC Chairman); James Mohan (Barat Daya DLC Chairman); Paramaguru Balan Moghan (SPS DLC Chairman); Munusamy Muniandy (SPU DLC Chairman); Joseph Sawaremuthu (Committee) and Rahumat Ibrahim (Committee). Attendees from CCPSS were Y.Bhg. Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (Chairman); Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seah Kok Heng (Ambassador); Y.Bhg. Dato’ Khoo Boo Lin; Dr. Asha Dass (Academic Advisor); Betrand Teh; Terrance Oo Chi Chiang (Secretary); Musen Liew (Treasurer) Pooja Selvakumar (Asst. Secretary); Teoh Hong Chin (Committee); and Ooi Say Chong (Committee). Amongst topics discussed were differences of CCPSS as an organization versus MCPF with its directional structure from a Federal level; CCPSS added dimension of “Public Safety”; Networking to pool resources where possible; Challenges involving Crime Awareness and Consciousness related to Drugs, Prison Parolees, Parental control on children, impactful School Programs, Security fraternity in schools, Mat Rempit menace, repeat offenders and working in cognizance with PDRM / AADK / others. This was indeed a highly engaging dialogue that had the possible symbiotic relationship on chosen Programs / Activities / Events.