Past Events

MCPF Federal organizes Retreat for State Liaison Committee Chairmen, Secretaries and Treasurers at IBIS KLCC


MCPF Penang attended a Retreat for State Liaison Committee Chairmen, Secretaries and Treasurer at IBIS KLCC, Kuala Lumpur on 10th October 2023. The retreat agenda encompassed 1. Briefing by the Crime Investigation Department, Bukit Aman; Introduction of MCPF and key Constitution highlights by YBhg. Datuk Santhra Segaran a/l Kanapathy, MCPF Legal Advisor; 2. Finance by YBhg. Dato’ Dr. (Hon) Zamrud bin Misdi, MCPF Treasurer; 3. Operations by YBhg, Dato’ Sri Dr. King Lim Chin Fui; and 4. A special Address by YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ayub bin Yaakob, MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman. MCPF Penang was represented by YBhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng, Chairman; Johnny Michael Tan, Secretary; and, Harikumar Katherasen, Treasurer.

The CID briefing was conducted by YDH ACP Azlan bin Abu (D4) representing YDH SAC Dato’ S. Shanmugamoorthy a/l Chinniah, Deputy Director (D4), CID Bukit Aman. He updated attendees on Crime Statistics of January to September 2023 with emphasis on trends and that effective 2024 Crime Statistics will encompass Narcotics and Commercial related Crimes. Datuk Santhra Segaran covered MCPF Organization Structure including the ex-officio composition. He also touched on key matters pertaining to MCPF Constitution. Dato’ Dr. (Hon) Zamrud bin Misdi stressed on Financial guidelines and urged timeliness in application of budget proposals by SLCs. Dato’ Sri Dr. King Lim Chin Fui requested SLCs to submit CY2024 Plans by 31/10/23. Dato’ Seri Ayub bin Yaakob appreciated the presence of all attendees. He emphasized that MCPF’s ‘Main Business’ is for the Community and urged everyone to understand the ‘Profile, Needs, Problems, Issues and Threats’ faced by Communities whilst underlining that MCPF represents the ‘Voice of the People’. He requested all DLCs to have close rapport with their respective OCPDs. Focus, fiduciary prudence must be a cornerstone of all programs and activities. Harmonious relationships within MCPF and with all parties it works with (PDRM, Governmental Agencies, Ministry of Education, AADK, JPNIN, NGOs and others) is vital to ensure inclusiveness, quality, positive impact and sustainability of such efforts. Moving Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah beyond Secondary Schools to Tertiary Education Institutions will be pursued.