Past Events

MCPF (Federal) host Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations at Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam


MCPF Penang Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Ali, Deputy Chairman (& Federal EXCO) Y.Bhg. Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Secretary / SPT DLC Chairman Dr. EL Ching, SLC Member / SPS DLC Chairman Paramaguru Balan Moghan, SLC Member / SPU SLC Chairman Munusamy Muniandy and SLC Member Yazid Razali were present at the Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations held at Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam on 22nd June 2019. In her speech MCPF Chairman YAB Dato’ Seri Dr. Wan Azizah binti Dr. Wan Ismail (Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia), a clarion call to check rising cybercrime was made. She stressed that it was on the rise and getting more sophisticated. MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Lam Thye in the same press coverage article emphasized that the issue of cybercrime, cyberthreat and cyberbullying incidents had been discussed at great lengths amongst the MCPF EXCO. Also present at this event were other senior MCPF EXCO Management team members including Vice-Chairman Tuan Haji Kamal Affandi bin Hashim, Treasurer Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi, Legal Advisor Y.Bhg. Datuk Mak Foo Wei and MCPF Honorary Secretary YDH SAC Dato’ Dr. Mustafa Khan bin Abdul Samat (also the Chief Assistant Director of Community Policing in JPJKK), RMP Penang Deputy CPO Y.Bhg. DCP Dato’ Roslee bin Chik was also in attendance.