Past Events

MCPF EXCO Member Assoc Prof. Dr. P. Sundramoorthy attends MCPF Standing Committee meeting at Bukit Aman


Assoc. Prof Dr. P. Sundramoorthy attended the MCPF (Federal) Standing Committee meeting at Bukit Aman on 18th June 2019. Dr. P. Sundramoorthy is Chairman of the Research and Publication Committee. It was an excellent opportunity for the MCPF Standing Committee to have a productive dialogue with the MCPF Deputy Chairman YDH Dato’ Seri Abdul Hamid bin Bador (Malaysia’s Inspector General of Police). Also in attendance were MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Management Committee Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Lee Lam Thye, MCPF Treasurer cum Chairman of the Finance and Fund Raising Committee Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Datuk Eddy Chen Lok Loi, MCPF Vice-Chairman cum Chairman of the Youth, Women and Children Committee Y.Brs. Tuan Haji Kamal Affandi bin Hashim, MCPF Legal Advisor cum Chairman of the Administration and Operation Committee Y.Bhg. Datuk Mak Foo Wei, MCPF EXCO cum Chairman of the Cyber Security Committee Y.Brs. Professor Dr. Mohamad Fauzan Noordin, MCPF EXCO cum Chairman of the Safe City Initiative Committee Y.Bhg. Dato’ Sri Johny Ch’ng Ewe Gee, MCPF Honorary Secretary YDH SAC Dato’ Dr. Mustafa Khan bin Abdul Samat (also the Chief Assistant Director of Community Policing in JPJKK), MCPF Corporate Manager Puan Rozyla Ahmad Fauzi and MCPF Assistant Corporate Manager (Operation) Bala Karupiah.