Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC Team Building Event at Pantai Esen, Permatang Damar Laut


MCPF Barat Daya District Liaison Committee led by its Chairman Mr. James Mohan participated a Team Building Event at Pantai Esen, Permatang Damar Laut on 25th May 2024. Other Barat Daya DLC Members in attendance included Puan Nadzirah Omar (Treasure); Committee Member Mr. Selva a/l Pichaimuthu; Committee Member Gideon Lau Sing Kwang and Committee Member Mr. Thomas a/l Devasagayam. This short two hours program was to build Team Synergy and Trust among the Barat Daya DLC Members; Propagating and introducing MCPF to the Public; cleaning up a part of the beach as a social responsibility to the community and to have fun whilst keeping fit to promote a more productive and active well being. An exemplary espirit de corps and comraderies enhancement activity.