Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC holds a Dialogue Session with Barat Daya District Education Office


MCPF South-West (Barat Daya) DLC led by its Chairman James Mohan held a Dialogue Session with the Barat Daya District Education Office, Balik Pulau on 18th July 2019. Also present from MCPF Barat Daya DLC were its Secretary Velayit Hussein and DLC Members Krishnan Maniam, Jarmy Goh and William Hoe Chin Khwan. The Barat Daya District Education Officer Encik Mazlan bin Che Mat chaired this session supported by Puan Ruzanna binti Rahmad of the Social Welfare Department and Puan Liyana of the Schools’ Administration Division. This interactive face-to-face discussion was attended by 26 Penolong Kanan Hal Ehwal Murid (HEM) and Teacher Councilors from the Barat Daya District. James Mohan briefed all present on MCPF and spoke on Crime Prevention Programs for schools and Revival of Secondary School Kelab Pencegahan Jenayah Sekolah.