Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman James Mohan delivers talk on student social problems and dangers of crime to SMK Seri Balik Pulau students


A one hour interactive talk entitled “Masalah Sosial Pelajar dan Bahaya Jenayah” (“Student Social Problems and the Dangers of Crime”) was delivered by the MCPF Southwest District Liaison Committee Chairman Mr. James Mohan to around 200 Form 4 students from SMK Seri Balik Pulau on Wednesday 4th December 2024. The topics covered encompassed: 1. Social Problems faced by students and the effects that these have on them; 2. Good Values and Moral Obligations; 3. Implications of Social Problems and opportunities to overcome them; 4. Definitions and Types of Crimes; 5. Implications of indulgence in crime; 6. Roles and Responsibilities as Students. Also in attendance were 1. Puan Noor Jihan, School Counselling Teacher; and, 2. Mr.Gideon Lau Sing Kwang, MCPF Barat Daya Treasurer.