Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman attends strategic planning meeting on Cadet Corps Camp at PPD Barat Daya


MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman Mr. James Mohan attended a strategic planning meeting pertaining to Perkhemahan Kor Kadet (Cadet Corps Camp) for the Southwest District at PPD Barat Daya Office on 21st October 2024. This important youth development program targeting 80 secondary school students from 8 Barat Daya Secondary Schools is planned to be held from 13th to 15th December 2024 at the Pusat Latihan Sukan Air (Water Sports Training Centre) Teluk Kumbar. The meeting was chaired by ASP Zaitun binti Saad (Ketua Bahagian Pencegahan Jenayah dan Keselamatan Komuniti – Division Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety for IPD Barat Daya / also ex-officio Vice-Chairman (I) of MCPF Barat Daya DLC). Also in attendance were the Cadet Corps Teachers of the participating schools. MCPF Barat Daya will be involved in 2 Talks i.e. Anti-Bullying & SCAM Awareness and School Students Social Problems.