Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya Chairman James Mohan in a Voluntary Patrol Scheme Program with Government Agencies at Sungai Ara Night Market


MCPF Barat Daya Chairman James Mohan participated in a Voluntary Patrol Scheme Program (Rondaan Komuniti Bersama Agensi Kerajaan) under the security segment of high-risk areas of Mukim 12 together with Government Agencies through the platform of Majlis Tindakan Membanteras Dadah (MTMD) (Anti-Drugs Action Council) of South West District. The evening program at the Sg. Ara Night Market was briefed by the Officer of the South West District Public Welfare Department. The Government Agencies involved included were the South West Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat (JKM) Barat Daya; Unity Department, Barat Daya; AADK Barat Daya; RELA and Sukarelawan (Volunteers) from JKM. Also in attendance was Puan Siti Balqis binti Meera Maidin, Enforcement Officer of Penang State AADK as well as Enforcement Officers from AADK South West District. The Patrol Program was conducted with no issues and proceeded smoothly, orderly and in a controlled process.