Past Events

Lions Club of Georgetown Island pays courtesy visit to RMP Penang Contingent HQ


The Lions Club of Georgetown Island paid a courtesy visit to YDH CP Dato’ Seri A. Thaiveegan, Chief Police Officer of Penang at the Main Meeting Room, RMP Penang Contingent HQ on 14th September 2018. This Lions Club of Georgetown Island is one of the 32 Lions Club in Penang Island and 8 the Mainland (Seberang Perai) and is still growing. In attendance from RMP Penang Contingent were YDH CP Dato’ Seri A. Thaiveegan, YDH Supt. Tan Cheng San (Acting Deputy Had CPCSD (Operations) Penang, YDH Supt. Nermaljit Singh (Staff Officer Coordinating Supporting Source) and YDH Supt. Saw Hock Tek (Staff Officer, Community Policing cum MCPF Penang SLC Ex-Officio Member).

The visiting entourage from the Lions Club of Georgetown Island were President YK Lee, Vice-President David Seow, Past President Felix Chuah (cum MCPF Penang SLC Member), Director Lee Tong King, Charter President Tan Chin Kong, Vice-President Kenni Kim, Vice District Governor 308 B2 William Li, Director Simon Lee and Immediate Past President Dato’ Ong Poh Eng (cum MCPF Penang SLC Member / MCPF EXCO). Lion Felix Chuah shared a short briefing on the Lions Club of Georgetown current activities and its future plans to enhance cooperation between them and RMP Penang. An official handover of a mock cheque for Sponsorship to Police Cadet National Annual Camp that was held in Malacca was one of the meaningful item in this visit. YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah gave a briefing on the current issues pertaining to Drug Abuse, Women and Children concerns and underlined RMP Penang’s support Penang 2030 by the Penang State Government especially those involving the security. He also shared opinions on the consequences of criminal acts and issues of criminal-related issues affecting the general public.