Past Events

Lions Club of Georgetown Island celebrates its 22nd Charter Anniversary at Penang Golf Club


YB Ram Karpal Singh, Member of Parliament for Gelugor was invited as the Guest of Honour to officiate at the 22nd Charter Anniversary of the Lions Club of Georgetown Island dinner held at Penang Golf Club on 3rd November 2018. MCPF Penang SLC Members Lion Dato’ Ong Poh Eng, (Past President 2017-2018) and Lion Felix Chuah Gim Chuan (Past President 2000-2001) were amongst those gracing the occasion. Invited to the dinner was MCPF Penang SLC Member cum North-East District DLC Chairman JM Tan. Taking center stage for the evening was the President of Lions Club of Georgetown Island 2018-2019 Lion Davin Lee Yew Khong (also an MCPF Member) who been an ardently supporting MCPF Penang fund-raising past  Fund Raising Golf Tournaments. Efforts. JM Tan also managed to obtain the support of Lion Lim Ming Khong (Past President 2012-2014) for his assistance in the translation of MCPF Penang School topics “Say ‘NO’ to Drugs” and “Say ‘NO’ to Gangsterism from English / BM to Mandarin.