Past Events

Dinner with MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman and Vice-Chairman


MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye and Vice-Chairman Dato’ Sri Wira Ayub Yaakob arrived in the late afternoon of 6th February 2017.  They were joined for a dinner at Hotel Equatorial Penang together with YDH CP Datuk Wira Chuah Ghee Lye, Chief Police Officer, Penang and YDH ACP Haji Nordin Haji Manan of JPJKK, IPK Penang.  Representing MCPF Penang were Y.Bhg. Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Chairman; Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy, Deputy Chairman; Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Vice-Chairman (II), Encik Rosli Mohamed Ali, Secretary; Mr. Harikumar Katherasen, Treasurer; and MCPF Penang ex-Officio Member Puan Noor Asa Elang, Director, Chief Government Security Office, Penang.  Also in attendance were YDH Supt. Lai Lee Peng, Executive Secretary, MCPF Secretariat; and. Mr. Bala Karupiah, Asst. Corporate Manager, MCPF Secretariat.