Past Events

Dialogue Session: JPJKK Penang and Kor SUKSIS USM


A Dialog Session under the auspices of Kor SUKSIS USM, HEP USM and JPJKK IPK P. Pinang between YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety (JPJKK), IPK Penang [cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman (I)] and the general Community of USM Penang was held at the Dewan Pembangunan Siswa KOMCA Pulau Pinang. This Event was held to bring members of the public, in this particular case, citizens of USM to be closer with PDRM thus underlining the importance of “Polis dan Masyarakat Berpisah Tiada” (“There’s no separating of Police and the Community”). The large audience included YDH Lt Kol Shah Rizal bin Nazri (Timbalan Komandan PALAPES USM), YDH DSP/KS Dr. Mohd Adi Firdaus Tan bin Abdullah (Ajutan Kor SUKSIS USM), YDH ASP Hj Abdul Ghani bin Mohamad Ali (Pegawai Penyelaras Kor SUKSIS USM), Pegawai Penyelaras & Pegawai Latihan Kor SUKSIS USM, an Officer from JPJKK P. Pinang, 7 Trainers /KTA Kor SUKSIS USM, 190 Members of Kor SUKSIS USM, 130 Members of PALAPES USM and other uniformed units and societies of USM. This was an inclusive platform to help Varsity community understand better the focus on Crime Prevention and Awareness and how Kor SUKSIS plays an essential and critical role. Additionally, 96 new registrants of the Voluntary Smartphone Patrol (VSP) were added.