Past Events

Consensus Meeting – Penang State Education Department and Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent at Ops Room, JPNPP


YDH CP Dato’ Narenasagaran Thangaveloo, CPO of Penang led a group from RMP Penang Contingent to have a ‘Consensus Meeting’ (Mesyuarat Permuafakatan) with the Penang State Education Department. RMP Penang Contingent had YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman [I]); YDH ACP Rahimi bin Ra’ais (Deputy HOD, Criminal Investigation Department); YDH ACP Amarpall Singh A/L Balbir Singh (Deputy HOD, Special Branch); other Heads of Department from RMP Penang HQ; OCPDs and Senior Police Officers were in attendance. Y.Bhg Dr. Mahanom bt Mat Sam, Director of Penang State Education Department chaired this meeting and she was accompanied by Tuan Syed Jaafar bin Syed Abd Aziz (District Education Office, SPT); Tuan Hj Masri bin Abdullah (District Education Officer, SPU); Tuan Hj Norhassi bin Mahat (District Education Office, SPS); Encik Suhire bin Yusof (representing the North-East District Education Office) and other District level officers. A wide array of topics covering RMP’s School Liaison Officers, Police Cadet Corps, National Security involving Students, School Students Criminal activities, Narcotics in Schools, Cyber Crimes by School Students and involvement of School Students in Traffic Offenses including Mat Lajak and Mat Rempit were shared by RMP Senior Officers. The State Education Department shared their concerns covering Discipline in Schools and Drug Offenses among students. Both parties agreed to continue their cooperative efforts going forward addressing these various challenges and issues.