


On 13th August 2016, YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar bin Rajab, Chief Police Officer of Penang as well as MCPF Penang’s Honorary Advisor was conferred the Darjah Yang Mulia Pangkuan Negeri (D.M.P.N.) which carries the title Dato’ by TYT Governor of Penang Tun Dato’ Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas.

On 20th August 2016, YDH SAC Abdul Rahman bin Ibrahim, Head of Department, Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department, IPK Penang who is also MCPF Penang’s Vice-Chairman (I) was conferred the Darjah Indera Makhota Pahang (D.I.M.P.) which carries the title Dato’ by HRH Sultan of Pahang Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar Riayatuddin Al-Mu’adzam Shah.