Past Events

Chinese New Year “Ops Selamat” Campaign at Juru Toll Plaza


MCPF Penang’s collaborative and cooperative partnership with PDRM truly embodied the words of YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah “PDRM dan MCPF Berpisah Tiada!” when they participated in a Chinese Lunar New Year “Ops Selamat” Campaign that was carried out at the Juru Toll Plaza on 13th February 2018. ‘Nandri Vanikam’ and ‘Xie Xie Nie’ to MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran and MCPF SLC Members Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran & Paramguru Balan Moghan for your time to be with YDH CP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan, Chief Police Officer of Penang; YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah, Head of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department and other Senior PDRM Officers to reach out to the members of the public that were embarking on their long journeys.