Past Events

CenPRIS USM, Penang State Government, MCPF Penang and Penang State Contingent Police holds the 10th Forum on Crime & Policing in Malaysia


The 10th  Forum on Crime & Policing with the Theme “Crime is Colour Blind” organized by Centre for Policy Research & International Studies (CenPRIS), Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang State Government, Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) Penang and Penang State Contingent Police (PDRM) was successfully held on 22nd June 2023 at the Penang Ballroom, Jen Hotel, George Town.

In his Welcoming Remarks the Organizing Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy thanked TYT Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi bin Haji Abdul Razak, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang for his gracious support to deliver the Keynote Address & Official Opening. He also emphasized that everyone has a role to play in Crime Prevention and elaborated on the Theme: Crime is Colour Blind and that irrespective of ethnicity or religion that anyone can become a potential victim and/or perpetrator of crime. He expressed his delight at the overwhelming support and full house in attendance. In his insightful Keynote Address Tun Dato’ Seri Utama Ahmad Fuzi bin Haji Abdul Razak, Yang di-Pertua Negeri Pulau Pinang underlined that Crime does not differentiate race / ethnicity / religion / social beliefs. TYT Tun outlined that root causes include poverty, lack of education, substance abuse and unemployment. TYT Tun encouraged measures to break the cycle of crime. Discriminatory practices like the lack of adequate legal access and unjust disparities in the Criminal Justice System need to be addressed. He outlined issues pertaining to an increase in white collar and cybercrimes and warned about their lasting consequences and threat to the social fabric of society. TYT Tun shared some key statistics and trends whilst expressing concern on the vulnerability of the tech savvy younger generation. TYT Tun also covered aspects regarding Environmental Crime, roles of mainstream media in the Criminal Justice System, and the importance of reducing recidivism. In TYT Tun’s concluding remarks he stressed on the importance of transformative government and agencies to work towards a fair and just society and not be blinded by stereotyping.

The four distinguished Panel Session Speakers were YDH ACP Dr. S Parusuraman, representing YDH Tan Sri IGP, Royal Malaysia Police; Y.Brs. Ms Karen Cheah Yee Lynn, President, BAR Council Malaysia; Y.Bhg Professor Dato’ Adeeba Kamarulzaman, Commisioner, Global Commission on Drug Policy and Y.Bhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Omar Osman, Vice-Chancellor, Chief Executive Director, DRM-HICOM University of Automotive Malaysia.

YDH ACP Dr. S. Parusuraman expounded on crime is not just colour blind but is also borderless and cited his own key experiences. He also stated that the citizens’ rights are protected by the Federal Constitution. Y.Brs. Ms Karen Cheah Yee Lynn shared interesting perspectives on the top three contemporary crime challenges facing Malaysia i.e. Corruption, Scams and Drugs. She elaborated on the Problems, Causes and Effects on Society alongside Preventive Measures & Regulatory framework. Amongst key challenges that the Bar Council had outlined were the need for more autonomous MACC; better protection of Whistle Blowers; independent Judicial Appointments; separation of Attorney-General and Public Prosecutor; reforms for very outdated Election Commission; and, Parliamentary reforms to ensure ‘Check & Balance’ between the Legislative, Administration (Government of the Day) and Judiciary. Y.Bhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Adeeba Kamarulzaman gave good insights on Drug Abuse and the enormity of the problem. She touched on the issue of overcrowding of our Prisons with drug related offenders and asked about whether the punishment is proportional to the crime of use of ketum, cannabis and opioids – the usage of the first two being less harmful medically than tobacco. It was also thought provoking that the recent Covid-19 pandemic and also the spread of tuberculosis had impacted affected prisoners, other inmates, prison staff with concerns of release of partially treated or untreated prisoners further exposing and endangering the public. Y.Bhg. Professor Dato’ Dr. Osman shared his thoughts and concerns with regards to the pervasive Mat Rempit menace. Key statistics on demography of background and educational qualification were mentioned. He also provided the links of such menace to the progression to crime and social structural concerns. Moderator Y.Bhg. Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy facilitated better understanding from the Distinguished Speakers with the audience present. He also provided excellent articulation of the Q & A session which brought good and at times provocative questions from the participants.

This 10th Forum on Crime  & Policing in Malaysia successfully addressed the Four Key Objectives: 1..To disseminate information on related contemporary issues on crime, law, drug policies, policing and other related matters in Malaysia; 2. To increase awareness of contemporary issues related to crime, law, drug policies, policing and other related matters in Malaysia; 3. To provide an in-depth analysis of challenges and issues related to contemporary issues on crime and other related matters in Malaysia; and, 4. To understand that Crime is Colour Blind and it does not discriminate.

MCPF Penang was well represented at both the State and District Levels; Its attendees included Dato’ Ong Poh Eng, Chairman (& Advisor (10th Forum); Rosli Ali, VC (I); Johnny Michael Tan, Secretary; Harikumar Katherasen, Treasurer & Committee Member – 10th Forum; Felix Chuah, Timur Laut DLC Chairman; James Mohan, Barat Daya DLC Chairman (& the live wire MC of the Day); Paramaguru Balan Moghan, SPS DLC Chairman; Ridzuan Md Zain, SPT DLC Chairman; Munusamy Muniandy, SPU DLC Chairman; Dato’ M. Kaleessvaran, Committee Member; Victor Lim, Committee Member; Teoh Kheng Tatt, Timur Laut DLC Committee Member; Peter Paul Arokiyasamy, Timur Laut DLC Committee Member; Jarmy Goh Jiun Ming, Barat Daya DLC Vice-Chairman (II); J. Philip Vincent, Barat Daya DLC Committee Member; William Hoe Chin Khwan, Barat Daya DLC Committee Member; ASP Amirul bin Ariff, SPS DLC Secretary; Ng Seng Hin, SPS DLC Treasurer; Bryan Chuah Jin Hooi, SPS DLC Committee Member; Komagan Lingam, SPS DLC Committee Member; Lee Hooi Peng, SPS DLC Committee Member; Nirmala A/P Kuppusamy, SPT DLC Committee Member; Zameer bin Haidar Ali, SPU DLC Vice-Chairman (II); 25. Haribalan Gopal, SPU DLC Secretary; Madzuki bin Md Nor, SPU DLC Treasurer; and, Dr. Haji Habeeb Rahman, SPU DLC Committee Member. Also in attendance were YDH SAC Rahimi Ra’ais, CID Head of Department, Penang representing YDH CP Dato’ Khaw Kok Chin, CPO, Penang (& Advisor, 10th Forum); YDH SAC Puspanathan a/l Wiresingam, Head of Department, Penang, Crime Prevention & Community Safety Department; Vice-Chairman (I), (ex-officio), MCPF Penang SLC & Committee Member – 10th Forum; other Senior Police Officers; Puan Suraya Abdullah, Administrative Coordinator – 10th Forum); Assoc. Prof Dr. Azeem Farwan Ahmad Farouk, Committee Member – 10th Forum; Puan Elmariah Chung, Director, Agensi Anti-Dadah Kebangsaan, Malaysia cum ex-officio, MCPF Penang SLC and Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafer bin Syed Ali, MCPF Penang past Chairman. Kudos to Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy and the Organizing Committee, Twentytwo13 (Media Partner) and all other sponsors who had contributed immensely to the success of this 10th Forum on Crime and Policing in Malaysia.