• Messages

    Pantun Dedikasi Kepada Anggota Keselamatan PKP Memerangi Covid-19

    Masa PKP bersusah payah,Tugas mereka bermacam-macam;Mengawal keselamatan banteras jenayah,Nyawa sendiri selalu terancam. Anggota keselamatan taat sejati,Waktu PKP lagilah bergegas;Bayangkan apa akan terjadi,Kalau mereka tiada bertugas. Perwira jati sihat dan cergas,Dalam kawalan tetap berjasa;Jagalah diri ketika bertugas,Kita sayangkan wira negara. YBhg Tan Sri Lee Lam ThyeNaib Pengerusi KananYayasan Pencegahan Jenayah (MCPF)

  • Clippings, Messages

    Decriminalize Use of Drugs

    THE world community is still perplexed by the complexity and challenges of drug addiction and drug use disorders. The idea that all drug use is dangerous, immoral and evil has led to stricter enforcement and extremely punitive policies in most nations. The consequences of detecting, arresting, prosecuting, and incarcerating drug users are devastating. The many…

  • Messages

    Stop Brickering, Let’s Move On

    I GREW up in a town house in Seang Teik Road, Penang, soon after the Second World War. The neighbourhood comprised Malay families, Indians, Eurasians and mostly Chinese. Many of my friends were Chinese who could speak English. I picked up Hokkien. The doors of the neighbouring homes were unlocked during the day, so I…