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    Sin taxes – the unintended consequences

    ALCOHOL, cigarette and gaming taxes are a popular way for governments to raise revenue. Furthermore, increasing such taxes are attempts to reduce the number of smokers, drinkers and gamblers. The excise or “sin” taxes have created price differentials among legitimate producers, distributors and operators. Consumers sometimes exploit those price differentials by buying duty-unpaid alcohol and cigarettes….

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    Pandangan berbeza cadangan gantian hukuman mati mandatori

    KOTA KINABALU, 20 Nov — Lima sesi Town Hall Jawatankuasa Khas Kajian Cadangan Hukuman Gantian Terhadap Hukuman Mati Mandatori mendapat maklum balas berbeza daripada orang awam. Pengerusi Jawatankuasa itu yang juga bekas Ketua Hakim Negara Tan Sri Richard Malanjum berkata pelaksanaan sesi Town Hall ini penting untuk mendapatkan pandangan dan maklum balas daripada pihak berkepentingan di peringkat…

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    MCPF Penang in collaboration with Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) Penang Contingent, and the American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS) Malaysia Chapter successfully held the 5th International Security Seminar at The Wembley, a St. Giles Hotel in George Town Penang on 24th and 25th September 2019. The seminar was attended by over…

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    Jail can turn shoe thieves into robbers

    KUALA LUMPUR: A prison, which is meant for the reform of criminals, might just be doing the opposite to its inmates. It can be a place for acquiring the wrong set of knowledge and skills, especially for non-serious offenders incarcerated for the first time. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) research team on crime and policing head Assoc…

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    Polygraph tests don’t detect lies, says criminologist

    PETALING JAYA: A criminologist contends that polygraph (“lie detector”) tests should not be admissible in court because of its controversial and unreliable nature. “Many nations have not allowed the findings of the polygraph test to be used as evidence in court,” says P Sundramoorthy of Universiti Sains Malaysia. He told FMT that polygraph tests have…

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    More bite

    KUALA LUMPUR: Proposed harsher penalties against illegal gambling for both punters and operators in Budget 2020 will serve as a deterrent although it will not eradicate the menace that is widespread nationwide. It was proposed in Budget 2020 that to curb illegal gambling, the government impose a higher minimum mandatory penalty of RM100,000 for illegal…

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    会被澳门骗局骗 犯罪学家:都是这两个原因!

    他指出,会上当,通​​常有2原因,一是相关受害者心虚,自己原本就曾犯下一些触犯法律的事情,担心执法人员顺藤摸瓜,查出一个结果。 “再来,就是我们的‘搞定’文化,想要‘解决’事情。” 他也提到,当人们奉行“搞定”文化,就会使贪污问题越来越严重。 他说,除了澳门骗局,另一种盛行的网络犯罪,是快速致富的“投资计划”,相关计划都标榜着,只要投资,就能获利许多。 “一种受害者,是真的认为有关计划能获利,对此深信不疑,另一种受害者,则是清楚知道相关计划只是骗局,但因为贪心,所以也把钱投入。” 他问到,若相关计划真的那么好,为何政府、国家机构不投资? 他也提到,纵使报纸、网络,每天都有类似骗局的新闻,但还是有人上当。 “除了学校教育,政府、警方等,也必须加大宣传,灌输人们正确知识,避免成为网络骗局的受害者。” 上述为期两天的研讨会,由马来西亚防范罪案基金会槟城分会举办的,今日是最后一天,槟城分会主席拿督斯里赛嘉法也在闭幕致词上,感谢众主讲人及参与者的出席。 This article first appeared on China Press.

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    USM lecturer moots teaching cybersecurity in schools

    GEORGE TOWN, Sept 24 ― A Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) professor has proposed that cybersecurity be incorporated into the national school syllabus. Associate Professor M. Selvakumar, a researcher at USM’s National Advanced IPv6 Centre (NAv6), said he is leading a team from USM in developing the subject. “This programme is to educate and guide internet…