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    Report: Data of millions at risk if Malaysia faces cyberattack

    PETALING JAYA: The data of Malaysians could fall into the wrong hands if the country becomes a target of cyberwarfare, experts said. According to a report by The Malaysian Insight, the recent cybersecurity breaches in government agencies showed Malaysia was neither prepared nor equipped for a cyber attack. Cybersecurity expert Professor Dr Selvakumar Manickam of University…

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    Work on reducing smuggling cases

    KUALA LUMPUR: While eradicating the spectre of smuggling may be a next-to-impossible task, the government has been urged to pull out all the stops to bring it down to a manageable level. Failure to do this, says criminologist Datuk Dr P. Sundramoorthy, could lead to a knock-on effect of heightened security risks due to the…

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    No reports on ‘stupefying’ drug: Cops

    PETALING JAYA: The police are on the lookout for criminal activities using the “Burundanga” drug. Kuala Lumpur Narcotics Crime Investigation Department deputy director SAC Adnan Azizon (pix) was responding to a question regarding WhatsApp messages that claimed some people had been affected by the drug, which was allegedly used to lace items such as leaflets and…

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    Rape cases in safe spaces

    PETALING JAYA: The various movement control orders since the outbreak of Covid-19 did not stop rapists from getting at their victims – in too many cases, the restricted mobility merely trapped survivors with people they should have been able to trust. “While there was a drop in cases, it was not a significant one compared…

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    犯罪学家:心虚 喜欢“settle” 易受骗

    (槟城7日讯) 马来西亚理科大学犯罪学副教授拿督孙德拉慕迪说,虽然“澳门骗局”存在已久,还是很多人上当,相信跟“心虚”的心态,还有喜欢”settle”(搞定)的文化有关。 他接受本报访问是说,虽然媒体广泛报道相关新闻,但公众对于澳门骗局的意识仍然低落,还是不断有人受骗。 他认为,受害者会上当,有时是心态问题,因为“心虚”,可能曾经犯过错,担心被执法员找上门。 “再来就是‘搞定’文化,受害者原本希望试下解决麻烦,换来一劳永逸,但没想到付出惨重代价。” 他也说,很多人至今还不了解澳门骗局的运作方式,包括专业认识也曾遭诈骗,受害者也没有核实捞钱 的信息内容。 “诈骗者运用到是‘恐吓‘手法,设法让目标相信他们遇到了麻烦,除非将大量现金转入某个银行户头,才有办法脱身。” 建议政府提供忍受资金调查 孙德拉慕迪建议政府,为晋芳商业罪案调查部门分配忍受及提供运用资金,以确保用足够的资源调查澳门骗局。 他也说,银行方面在协助警方调查过程中应发挥重要的作用,因警方在调查时,常遇到无法联系银行,或无法冻结银行找好的情况。 “银行应设立停止交易或解决问题的中央银行操作系统,协助警方调查诈骗案。” 他也建议设立由警方和通讯及多媒体委员会共同运作的24小时全国“诈骗”查询热线中心,并提供国语,英语,华语和淡米尔语的沟通语言。 此文章来源: 星州日报.