• Clippings

    Lifelong habit of serving the public

    A veteran activist moves on to a new chapter in life after spending three decades on crime prevention. WHEN talk of crime prevention crops up in this country, the first name that comes to most minds is Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye. The 76-year-old social activist sits down with Sunday Star to share his experience…

  • Clippings

    Criminologist calls for study on effectiveness of capital, corporal punishments, as Malaysia abolishes mandatory death sentence

    Acriminologist has applauded the Malaysian government’s decision to abolish the mandatory death sentence but says scientific studies must be carried out to gauge the effectiveness of capital and corporal punishments. “Malaysia needs a philosophy of crime and punishment model and a study on the effectiveness of the death penalty,” said Associate Professor (Honorary) Datuk Dr…

  • Clippings

    ‘Whistleblowers deserve better’

    PETALING JAYA: Any amendments to the current Whistleblower Protection Act must ensure better protection for whistleblowers, say experts. Transparency International Malaysia president Dr Muhammad Mohan said amendments should allow for whistleblowers to be protected even if their disclosure broke any laws such as the Official Secrets Act, Penal Code or banking secrecy. “Internal whistleblowing should…

  • Clippings

    Charge the ‘lembu’ to stem corruption

    Corruption exists in various public and private agencies in Malaysia, and in some cases, it involves NGOs, too. And the middlemen who facilitate this, especially among civil servants, are fondly known as “lembu” (cow). Sometimes the “lembu” is also referred to as “anjing” (dog) although this term is considered derogatory. Here, I will look at…

  • Clippings

    SOP needed for use of police body-worn cameras

    PETALING JAYA: The authorities should put in place standard operating procedures (SOP) for body-worn cameras (body cams) and use them to provide evidence to address contentious issues with the public, said Universiti Sains Malaysia criminologist Datuk Dr P. Sundramoorthy. He was commenting on a recent video on social media that showed the first batch of Road…

  • Clippings, Letters

    How to select an IGP and win back trust

    The minister of home affairs must seriously consider establishing a search committee to identify potential candidates for the position of the Inspector-General of Police. Over the past several decades, there has been much criticism about the process of appointing the IGP. Some say that the process has not been transparent and has created unease among…