Past Events

Briefing and Special Meeting with Communications & Multi-Media Minister at The Top Restaurant, Level 59, KOMTAR


A Briefing and Special Meeting with the Communications & Multi-Media Minister YB Tuan Gobind Singh Deo took place at the Top Restaurant, Level 59, KOMTAR on 18th February 2019. The Royal Malaysia Police Penang Contingent was represented by YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah (Head of Department, Crime Prevention and Community Safety, RMP Penang cum MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman [I]). YDH Supt. Chelvam Ramiah Pillai (Deputy Head of Department, Commercial Crime Investigation, RMP Penang) and Insp. Muhammad Helmi bin Zainudin (Insp URB). Besides YB Gobind Singh Deo, KKMM (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Multi-Media Malaysia / Ministry of Communications and Multi-Media) had YDH Dato’ Dr. Mohd Ali Mohd Nor (Chief Secretary, KKMM (Ministry of Communications and Multi-Media, Malaysia); YDH Tuan Shakid Ahmad Shakir (Director, FINAS – National Film Development Corporation Malaysia) YDH Tuan Hj Abdul Muis Shifli (Director, RTM – Radio Television Malaysia); and YDH Puan Rosilandawati Abd Rahman (representing the Director, Information Department) and other KKMM Officers were present. YB Gobind Singh Deo hoped that the staff of KKMM would work with full commitment in achieving the Mission and Vision of the Ministry of Communications and Multi-Media.