• Past Events

    Passing of the Baton

    Passing of the Baton from YDH DCP Dato’ A. Thaiveegan to YDH DCP Roslee bin Chik as Deputy Chief Police Officer In a ‘Handing over Ceremony’ held at IPK, P. Pinang on 1st September 2016, incoming and newly promoted DCP Roslee bin Chik took over the helm as Penang’s Deputy Chief Police Officer from DCP…

  • Clippings

    Inviting Trouble

    Full Story below by Christina Chin of The Star ([email protected]) Don’t leave your properties vacant or you could end up deep in debt – or worse, on a loan shark’s hit list. WHITE collar criminals and conmen are cashing in on vacant houses. Previously, owners only had vagrants and drug addicts to worry about if…

  • Past Events

    Supporting DELTA ECO Run

    For the fifth consecutive year Delta Business Solutions Sdn. Bhd. organized its Annual ECO Run at the Youth Park, Penang.  It’s Managing Director Mr. Choo Eng Hin who is also an MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee Member had the support of fellow MCPF Penang Members Rahumatullah Ibrahim, Joseph Sawaremuthu and JM Tan who became ‘officials’…

  • News


    On 13th August 2016, YDH CP Dato’ Abdul Ghafar bin Rajab, Chief Police Officer of Penang as well as MCPF Penang’s Honorary Advisor was conferred the Darjah Yang Mulia Pangkuan Negeri (D.M.P.N.) which carries the title Dato’ by TYT Governor of Penang Tun Dato’ Seri Utama (Dr.) Haji Abdul Rahman bin Haji Abbas. On 20th…

  • News, Past Events

    Launching of Penang Drug Prevention Initiative

    Penang State’s efforts to battle the Drug menace clogged an important milestone on 5th August 2016.  YAB Tuan Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister of Penang launched the “Penang Drug Prevention Initiative” (“PDPI”) at KOMTAR Level 3 Concourse.  MCPF Penang is proud that its Deputy Chairman Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy was the Organizing Chairman of…