• News

    Man on the Move

    On 19th October 2016 Dr. P. Sundramoorthy attended the MCPF EXCO Meeting at Hotel Paragon, Johor Bahru where MCPF Penang was cited by MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Tan Sri Datuk Seri Lee Lam Thye as being a leader in its programs and activities in 2016 amongst all MCPF State Liaison Committees. On 20th October 2016 he…

  • News

    Commitment and Focus – An Ongoing Journey

    In 2016, the MCPF Penang SLC met 10 times (far exceeding the MCPF Constitutional requirements of at least 1 meeting per Quarter).  It plans to have its 2nd Annual (Off-site) Retreat in December 2016 to brainstorm, strategize and commit to continual success in its 2017 and beyond Crime Prevention efforts. Significant strengthening of its Ex-Officio…

  • Clippings

    Chemical castration no guaranteed solution

    * Image is sourced from FMT on this article. This article first appeared on FreeMalaysiaToday (FMT) and is available at this link. PETALING JAYA: Chemical castration may not necessarily prevent a convicted sex offender from attacking more victims in the future simply because physical sexual gratification is not the only factor behind a sexual assault,…

  • Past Events

    Supporting Security Staff Training

    MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee was well represented in an invitation by USM Director of Security Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy to support the Security Training and Orientation for the new batch of Security staff hires at the Jabatan Keselamatan, USM on 20th September 2016.  Sharing their knowledge and expertise were MCPF SLC Members Deputy…

  • Past Events

    Community Outreach Program at Kompleks Bukit Jambul

    The 6th Community Outreach Program co-organized by MCPF Penang and Royal Malaysia Police, Penang Contingent since 2013 was held on Saturday 10th September 2016 at the Promenade Area of Kompleks Bukit Jambul.  COP@KBJ event also marks the 3rd stop of MCPF Penang’s ongoing ‘Blow a Whistle to Stop a Crime’ Campaign. MCPF Penang Chairman Dato’…

  • Past Events

    Addressing Students of SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman

    The Malaysia Tamil Sangam Cawangan Nibong Tebal (Seberang Perai Selatan) invited MCPF Penang Vice-Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran and MCPF Penang SLC Member Maj. (H) M. Kaleessvaran to address the Indian students of Sekolah Menengah Tunku Abdul Rahman, Nibong Tebal specifically on Crime Prevention and to support the school in having peace and harmony among its…

  • Past Events

    Kempen Kesedaran Jenayah Komersil Bersama Komuniti

    Y.Bhg. Dato’ Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, Chairman, MCPF Penang was in attendance at the Commercial Crime Awareness Campaign with the Community by the Penang Contingent of the Royal Malaysia Police.  This event was held at Mydin Mall at Bandar Putra Bertam, Kepala Batas (SPU) on 8th September 2016. MCPF Penang SLC Member Munusamy Muniandy was…

  • Past Events

    Dialogue on Hospitality Industry: Security Threats and Vulnerabilities

    In the third of a series of Seminars focusing on contemporary issues and threats, this interactive one-day seminar entitled “Dialogue on Hospitality Industry: Security Threats and Vulnerabilities” was organized by MCPF Penang in collaboration with the Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) Security Council, Penang; Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) Penang Contingent….