As provided by the By-Laws and Regulations (Ref: 1/2016) of Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation governing the District Liaison Committees made in pursuant to Article 19 (l) (ii) and 20 of the Constitution, MCPF Penang has 5 District Liaison Committees set up as follows:

  1. Timur Laut (North-East) District Liaison Committee;
  2. Barat Daya (South-West) District Liaison Committee;
  3. Seberang Perai Utara (North Seberang Perai) District Liaison Committee;
  4. Seberang Perai Tengah (Central Seberang Perai) District Liaison Committee;
  5. Seberang Perai Selatan (South Seberang Perai) District Liaison Committee

To keep all interested parties up to speed, MCPF Penang Website is now reflecting the Organization Charts of the 5 District Liaison Committees. Any changes to these DLCs will be updated accordingly. The activities of these DLCs will be shared in our website under either ‘Upcoming Events’ or ‘Past Events’.

The MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee appreciates the spirit of voluntarism of its District Liaison Committees and encourages its DLC Members to fulfil the Vision, Mission and Values of MCPF.