The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF), Penang is one of the 14 State Liaison Committees (SLCs) established to support the national vision and objectives of its parent body MCPF (registration no. PPM-002-14-11011993).  MCPF is a non-profit, Non-Government Organisation (NGO) established on 11th January 1993 as a Chapter of the Asia Crime Prevention Foundation, which is based in Tokyo, Japan and is the first Chapter to be established outside Japan.

The Chairman of MCPF Penang is Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng.  Its current Deputy Chairman is Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran.  YDH CP Dato’ Datuk Hamzah bin Hj Ahmad, Chief Police Officer, Penang is the Honorary Advisor – which provides the platform for close collaborative, consultative and cooperative partnership between MCPF Penang and the Royal Malaysia Police, Penang contingent. YDH SAC Puspanathan a/l Wiresingam, the Head of Department for Crime Prevention and Community Safety, IPK Penang is the ex-officio Vice-Chairman (I) as provided for in Article 19 (c) (ii) of MCPF Constitution. Encik Rosli Mohamed Ali is its current Vice-Chairman (II).  Completing this Office Bearer line-up is Secretary Encik Johnny Michael Tan and Treasurer Encik Harikumar Katherasen. Renowned criminologist and MCPF stalwart Y.Bhg. Assoc. Prof (Hon) Dato’ Dr. P. Sundramoorthy is an Advisor providing valuable experiences and expertise.

Besides the above 5 Member Office-Bearers / ex-officio Vice-Chairman (I), as at 15th March 2022 11 other diverse professionals and carefully selected individuals from various disciplines and business entities make up the State Liaison Committee Members.  In 2017, MCPF Penang increased its strength to reach out further to the community by its establishment of 5 District Liaison Committees (DLCs) as provided by the latest MCPF Constitution Article 20.  The current appointed DLC Chairmen are James Mohan a/l G. Ramakrishnan (Barat Daya), Paramaguru Balan Moghan (Seberang Perai Selatan), Ridzuan Md Zain (Seberang Perai Tengah), Munusamy Muniandy (Seberang Perai Utara) and Dato’ Felix Chuah Gim Chuan (Timur Laut).

At the Federal Level, the present Patron of MCPF is YAB. Dato’ Seri Anwar bin Ibrahim, the Prime Minister of Malaysia; the Chairman is YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail, Minister of Home Affairs; the Deputy Chairman is YDH IG Tan Sri Razarudin bin Husain (Inspector General of Police); and, the Senior Vice-Chairman is Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Ayub bin Yaacob (Retired Senior Police Officer). Kindly refer to our MCPF Federal Website  for more information to current MCPF Federal EXCO and Standing / Ad-hoc Committees’ Chairpersons.

The Crime Prevention Awareness and Education programs and activities are based upon a consensual, collaborative and cooperative Team efforts discussed in earnest at its monthly meeting. For a quick overview of MCPF Penang’s most recent contributions and achievements, please do visit the details available in this website.