Past Events

A Successful “Blood Donation Campaign” (commemorating 211th Police Day Celebration)


In a 9-5 program, PDRM Kontingen P. Pinang in collaboration with MCPF Penang, Penang State Health Department, Lions Club of Georgetown and Prangin Mall Management held a successful Blood Donation Campaign at the concourse of Prangin Mall on 1st April 2018. Representatives from the various Organizations totaled over 370 whilst 206 Blood Donors came forth – amongst these being MCPF Penang Secretary Harikumar Katherasen and SLC Member Paramguru Balan Moghan. SLC Member Ridzuan Md Zain took the stage to deliver the talk on “Say ‘NO’ to Bullying” on behalf of MCPF Penang alongside another talk entitled “Know Your Medicine” by the Health Department. YDH SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah delivered the official address.

SLC Member Lion Choo Eng Hin and MCPF DLC Member Syed Abdul Rahman Syed Jaafar were part of the wonderful Organizing Committee whilst MCPF Member Abdul Jabar bin Abdul Aziz supported the event. A High Profile Policing led by SAC Dato’ Mohamad Anil Shah wrapped things up for the day. He was accompanied by Senior Officers and staff of PDRM as well as VIPs including MCPF Penang Deputy Chairman Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Dr. Yeoh Keat Hean representing the Director of the Health Department, Cabinet Secretary Chung Kean Beng of the Lions Club of Georgetown and Prangin Mall JMB Management Representative Dato’ H’ng Ban Chon.