Past Events

Seberang Perai Tengah DLC Brainstorm for 2018 Plans


MCPF Penang Seberang Perai Tengah DLC met up at Honeywell, Perai to brainstorm on plans for 2018. The meeting, chaired by SPT DLC Chairman EL Ching and attended by Vice-Chairman (II) Aru Sinnasamy, Secretary Jacob Pao alongside with Committee Members Hakimi bin Saman, Kenny Ho Kee Meng and Goh Hoe Eng, was held at Honeywell, Perai in the afternoon of 24th January 2018. They covered ideas pertaining to involvement with Schools, interacting with the Community and Raising Funds. EL Ching shared the group’s outcomes during the MCPF Penang SLC January 2018 meeting.