Past Events

OC Meeting on upcoming MCPF Penang – USM Security Department “Professional Discourse on Drug Policy” Event


An upcoming Professional Discourse on Drug Policy will be delivered by Professor Peter Reuter of the School of Public Policy in the Department of Criminology at the University of Maryland, USA where he is the Director of the Program on the Economics of Crime and Justice Policy at the University and also Senior Economist at RAND Corporation. This short event being co-organized by the Security Department of USM and MCPF Penang is scheduled for 18th January 2018. Some of the Organizing Committee Members MCPF Penang Secretary EL Ching, MCPF Penang SLC Member JM Tan, MCPF Penang Ex-Officio SLC Member Puan Noor Asa Elang, Director of Chief Government Security Office, Penang and Che Aini Mohd Desa of USM Security Department reviewed the details of the Event and concluded with an on-site inspection of proposed venue Dewan Persidangan Universiti (DPM). More details on information and selective audience will be announced later.