Past Events

10th Asian Criminological Society (ACS) Conference


Website Development Meeting at USM Security Director’s Office on 7th November 2017
A productive meeting was held at Dr. P. Sundramoorthy’s Office, Jabatan Keselamatan USM on 7th November 2017 to discuss the framework and features to support requirements needed for the forthcoming 10th Asian Criminological Society Conference scheduled to be hosted by Penang from 24th to 28th June 2018. Dr. P. Sundramoorthy reviewed the nuts and bolts necessary to ensure that the interactive website would surpass that of the previous ACS conferences in terms of attractiveness, practical user-friendly features and highlighting Penang as a choice host location. MCPF Penang Webmaster Selwyn Chuah shared his insights alongside with MCPF Penang SLC Member JM Tan. Recent Conferences have been held in Cairns, Queensland – Australia, Beijing – China and Hong Kong.

Briefing with MCPF Penang SLC at Bilik Mesyuarat Jabatan Keselamatan USM on 13th November 2017
At another meeting with MCPF Penang SLC on 13th November 2017, Dr. P. Sundramoorthy updated MCPF Penang SLC Chairman Dato’ Seri Syed Jaafar Syed Ali, SLC Vice-Chairman (II) Rosli Mohamad Ali, SLC Secretary EL Ching, SLC Treasurer Harikumar Katherasen and SLC Member JM Tan that he was pleased that MCPF Penang will be the collaborative partner of Asian Criminological Society alongside with integral involvement of Universiti Sains Malaysia. Secretariat support will be from the Macau based Asian Criminological Society. The chosen Theme for this 10th ACS Conference will be “Reevaluating Insights on Crime and Justice: Contemporary Issues and Challenges”.