Past Events

Visit to MCPF Perak and RMP IPK Perak


The MCPF Penang State Liaison Committee led by Chairman YBhg Dato’ Syed Jaafar visited MCPF Perak and RMP IPK Perak as part of its ‘continuous learning’ process of planning, implementing and monitoring results related to Crime Prevention and Awareness efforts.

The eleven ambassadors from Penang were Dato’ Syed Jaafar (Chairman), MCPF Penang SLC Member and MCPF Central EXCO Members Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Dato’ Ong Poh Eng and Associate Professor Dr. P. Sundramoorthy, Johnny Michael Tan (Secretary) and MCPF Penang SLC Members Felix Chuah, Choo Eng Hin, James Mohan, Rosli Ali, Maj (H) M. Kalees and the Program Organizer Munusamy Muniandy.

The entourage first stop was at MCPF Perak Office at Pejabat Orang Besar Jajahan Kinta, Aras Bawah, Bangunan Seri Perak Darul Ridzuan, Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, 3000 Ipoh, Perak. On hand to receive the group warmly were Toh Muda Dato’ Ab Wahab bin Dato’ Seri Azizul Hassan, (Chairman, MCPF Perak); Dr. Adib Vincent Tung bin Abdullah (Treasurer, MCPF Perak); Cik Khairul Bashariah bte Saaya (Secretary, MCPF Perak); and MCPF Perak SLC Members – Dato’ Noordin bin Alaudin; Dato’ R. Thambipillay; Cik Anita Ponnudurai and DSP (Rtd) Vijaykumar a/l P. Suppiah.

In his sharing Toh Muda Dato’ Pengerusi MCPF Perak shared verbally various challenges of MCPF Perak. These included the size of the state; the establishment of ‘district level’ MCPF groupings where, for the time being, only 4 major districts of Taiping, Ipoh, Teluk Anson and Manjung have commenced; being involved in too many ‘launching’ ceremonies; the lack of funding; crime prevention at the neighbourhood levels; importance of JPJKK involvement; wish for better academia support; and starting Crime Prevention and Awareness efforts at the School levels.

In his reciprocal address Dato’ Syed Jaafar thanked the host for their warm hospitality; shared the rationale and decision of MCPF Penang to not pursue the setup of ‘District level’ MCPF groupings; and the shared vision of pursuing Crime Prevention and Awareness efforts at the School levels with common syllabus that can be disseminated by all MCPF SLC Members. MCPF Penang Secretary JM Tan then shared on behalf of the visitors the various MCPF Programs and Activities for 2015 year-to-date. Dato’ R. Thambipillay was particularly enthused about MCPF Penang’s SLC Members recognizing war veterans during the recent Veteran’s Day Celebration.


A quick group photo to commemorate the visit was made prior to lunch. The Host and Visitors then proceeded for lunch at Restoran Simpang Tiga, Ipoh. They were joined by IPK Perak’s YDH SAC Selvam a/l Tharmalingam, KJPJKK, IPK Perak and ACP Suressh.


Later in the afternoon, the second stop for the visitors from MCPF Penang was at IPK, Perak. Toh Muda Dato’ Ab Wahab in his official address and focused on “Skim Pengawasan Kejiranan” (Neighbourhood Watch). He also stressed on the importance of Gen Y being invited to join MCPF for continuity in MCPF’s efforts. The newly appointed MCPF Perak Vice-Chairman (I) SAC Selvam a/l Tharmalingam, KJPJKK, IPK Perak then presented the Royal Malaysia Police, Perak Contingent efforts on Crime Prevention National Key Performance Initiatives under NBOS (National Blue Ocean Strategy) through omnipresence, engagements, partnerships, collaborations. Dato’ Syed Jaafar, Dato’ K. Pulayantran, Dr. P. Sundramoorthy and JM Tan were granted an audience by the Deputy CPO of Perak YDH DCP Datuk Hasnan bin Hassan. The visit to IPK Perak culminated with an afternoon tea reception and photo session.

Reported by:
Johnny Michael Tan,
Secretary, MCPF Penang