
Electronic Display Boards by MCPF Penang



The ever diligent, and committed members of the MCPF Penang Chapter will be undertaking a project with the objective to encourage the general public and/or motorists passing by our new Electronic Display Boards with selected Crime Prevention topics.

The new sign boards will be deployed at:
1. Queensbay (Traffic Lights junction / diagonally opposite HSBC)
2. Burmah Road / Anson Road Corner (Traffic Lights junction on EDB fronting Burmah Road / Larut Road Traffic Flow)
3. Juru Auto-City (Traffic Lights junction dividing Auto-City Phase 1 and Phase 2)

The display below will look familiar at the locations mentioned above.




The topics that are covered are:
1. Snatch Theft
2. Housebreaking
3. Robbery in Homes
4. Pickpocket
5. Vehicle Theft

As with the limited time the public/passing motorists have to read each display board; we have compiled an extensive list of the topics and made them available for download here. Alternatively, files for current and previous events that are made available can be found here.

Electronic Display Board (Master Copy) – Download