Past Events

MCPF Penang facilitates donation from JKL Security SB for JPNPP forthcoming launching of Karamah Insaniah at JPNPP Office, Bukit Gambier


MCPF SLC Member Mr. Joseph Sawaremuthu helped to reach out to JKL Security Services Sdn Bhd / YSV Goat and Cattle Trading to obtain a MYR 1,000.00 donation / sponsorship towards the running of the forthcoming 25th November 2024 launching of 2024 national level ‘Karamah Insaniah’ character empowerment kit at SMK Seri Balik Pulau on Monday 25th November 2024. The simple handover was carried out at the Penang State Education Department, Bt. Gambier on Monday 11th November 2024. In attendance from JPNPP were 1. Tuan Hj. Mohamad Dziauddin bin Mat Saad, Deputy Director of School Management Sector, JPNPP; 2. Tuan Fadzil Sadikin, Assistant Director, JPNPP / MCPF Penang SLC ex-officio and 3. Tuan Hj. Mohd Roslan bin Darus. Also present was Mr. Jaya Prakash from JKL Security Services Sdn Bhd / YSV Goat and Cattle Trading.