Past Events

MCPF Penang’s Sponsorship of WCC’s OK Tak OK “Sexual Harassment” Awareness continues with “Samir & His On-Line Friend” booklets being distributed by WCC Penang


MCPF Penang’s sponsorship of Sexual Harassment Awareness booklets “Samir & His Online Friend” / “Samir & Kawan Onlinenya” continues to be positively used by Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) Penang. Other than the 3 schools reported (August 2024) where MCPF DLC were present, another 5 different (2 in Kedah and 3 in Penang) schools benefitted from students being provided with increased awareness of the dangers of the ‘OK Tak OK’ issue. In the month of August 2024 a further 781 students from 8 schools (Years 4, 5 & 6) were handed out this informative literature. One school from Bandar Bahru, Kedah on 4th August 2024 (53 students); Karangan, Kedah on 6th August 2024 (67 students); 64 Std 6 students from SK Mohd Shah, Tasek Gelugor (SPU) on 14th August 2024; 134 Std 5 students from SK Mengkuang, Kubang Semang (SPT) on 16th August 2024; and a further 43 students from a Kepala Batas Primary School on 27th August 2024. Kindly be reminded that only schools that have given their permission to be mentioned by WCC Penang’s Social Media will have the names of the schools being publicized.