Past Events

MCPF SPU DLC and Barat Daya DLC attends Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Open Houses


MCPF SPU DLC and Barat Daya DLC joined respective Hari Raya Aidil Fitri festivities in Open Houses held at SPU PPD on 18th April 2024; Barat Daya OCPD on 27th April 2024 and Balai Polis Bayan Baru on 30th April 2024. The attendance by MCPF SPU DLC Chairman Munusamy Muniandy at SPU PPD and James Mohan at the latter two is a simple reflection of MCPF SPU and Barat Daya teamwork and cooperation with JPNPP / PPD SPU and PDRM Barat Daya respectively.