Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC attends Training Of Trainers (TOT) workshop by AADK at Anjung Komuniti Sungai Ara, Mk. 12 Barat Daya


The National Anti-Drug Agency (AADK) of the South West District Penang successfully carried out the Training Of Trainer (TOT) Workshop for NGOs at the Community Centre (Anjung Komuniti) Sungai Ara, Mukim 12, Barat Daya on 17th February 2024 with the Theme “Komuniti Prihatin Cegah Tanpa Noktah” (Caring Community, Endless Prevention). In attendance from MCPF Barat Daya DLC were James Mohan, Chairman; Arina inti Mohamed Ali, Secretary; Nadzirah binti Omar, Treasurer; Nicholas Chang Gim Hooi, Committee Member; Selva a/l Pichaimuthu, Committee Member; Gideon Lau Sing Kwang, Committee Member; and Thomas a/l Devasagayam, Committee Member. The workshop was inaugurated by Encik Zaki bin Ablah, Assistant Director of Prevention 1 of Penang State AADK accompanied by Puan Arina binti Mohamed Ali, Head of Prevention Unit, Daerah Barat Daya. The agenda encompassed Community Empowerment Talk by Puan Madavi Balakrishnan, Penang State AADK Prevention Officer; Role of the Community Cik Nor Hajar Aswat binti Kamis, Penang AADK Prevention Officer and LDK Session by Puan Arina binti Mohamed Ali. Other NGOs present included the Drug Recovery Committee (JKPD) of Barat Daya District; Anti-Drugs SQUAD of Barat Daya District; Majlis Pengurusan Komuniti Kampung (MPKK) Bukit Gedung; MPKK Sungai Ara; Majlis Leia 4B of Barat Daya District; GIATMARA Balik Pulau and Volunteers of Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia (JKM) of Barat Daya District.