
SCAM – Don’t Let Them Con You


SCAMs and their victims have now become almost daily news… Over press / media and social media.

SCAMMERS are continuously SCHEMING on new ways to trap victims. They look for ways to instill fear, to entice too good to be true rewards, to sell false solutions, to manipulate the minds of their intended victims. They are always having devious ways to be one step ahead of the game. Simply because SCAMMERS know that this is brings huge profit.

Scammers are CRAFTY in taking advantage of the latest public concerns. Look at recent cases… Job SCAMs in a pandemic riddled environment. Use of QR Codes to attract recovery of supposed losses with a click. Heck, even 997 has become a victim of the SCAM rouse. And, now they are using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to emulate voices to make a victim believe they are talking to someone they know and trust (family, relatives).

SCAMMERS are known to be AGGRESSIVE in their approach. For example misleading the public as if they are the authorities (Police, Courts, JPJ, Customs, Income Tax etc.). Their websites, letterheads, logos all seem so real! They entice with a small ‘reward’, followed by another which eventually leads to thousands or millions of life long savings being lost.

SCAMMERS are MALICIOUS. Their modus operandi is to attack victims from all walks of life .. professionals are duped, housewives,, retirees targeted, managers, lawyers, professors, teachers, accountants… It is an open market. Anybody and everybody can become a victim.

DON’T become a VICTIM of SCAMs. Remember, if anything is too good to be true, it usually is!
DON’T answer phone numbers that look suspicious.
We have been told that in 2023 itself over RM 1.3 Billion have been lost to SCAMMERS. But, is this the true amount. This is what is reported. What about unreported cases because it involves one’s family members, relatives, close friends or business buddies?