Past Events

MCPF Barat Daya DLC participates in Penang Southwest District Ministry of Education’s (MOE’s) Anti-Smoking & Anti-Vaping Campaign Launch at SMK Pondok Upeh


MCPF Barat Daya DLC Chairman James Mohan was given the honor address over 400 pupils from Forms 1 to 4, Teachers and other Guests of SMK Pondok Upeh on the topic of “Healthy Living – Prevent Smoking and Prevent Vaping” at the Ministry of Education’s Anti-Smoking & Anti-Vaping Campaign Launch in the Barat Daya District. Accompanying James were William Hoe Chin Kwang (Vice-Chairman [II]); Nadzirah binti Omar (Treasurer) / Education Officer of Barat Daya District; and, Selva a/l Pichaimuthu, Committee Member. Attending from PDRM was Insp. Hamidah binti Peer Mohamad. Bara Daya PPD were represented by Tn. Shamsul Fairuz bin Mohd Nor, Education Officer, Daerah Barat Daya; En. Hassan bin Din, School Principal SMK Pondok Upeh; En. Mazlan bin Che Mat, Deputy PPD Head for Student Development Sector; En. Mohd Mukhrizam bin Mohd Mothtar, Deputy PPD Head for Administrative Sector; Pn. Zaiharyati binti Ahmad, Deputy PPD Head for Administrative Sector. AADK Daerah Barat Daya had Pn. Arina binti Mohamed Ali (also MCPF Barat Daya DLC Secretary) as their representatives.