Past Events

MCPF Penang (SLC, DLCs and Penang MCPF Members) together with MCPF Secretariat attends Penang Goes Orange 2023 Launching at The Esplanade


The Campaign for the 10th Year of Penang Goes Orange was launched at The Esplanade by YB Puan Lim Siew Khim, State Assemblyman of Sungai Pinang and EXCO for Social Development, Welfare and non-Islamic Affairs on Saturday 25th November 2023. This year’s campaign is scheduled to last from 25th November 2023 to 9th December 2023. PGO 2023 efforts are being led by Penang Women’s Development Corporation Chief Executive Officer YBhg. Dato’ Ong Bee Leng and is supported by PDRM, Ministry of Education / JPNPP, MBPP, MBSP and MCPF in partnership with 3 main Sponsors and 37 Government Agencies and other NGOs Over 3,000 participants were registered for this Launch campaign that included a 2 km walk to raise awareness on #StopBullying / #HentikanBuli.

MCPF had a commendable 29 in attendance that included (1-3): MCPF Secretariat Asst. Corporate Manager (Operations) Bala Karupiah; Asst. Corporate Manager (Admin & Finance) Nurfarliza Kamarazaman; and Admin Asst. Muhammad Sahrul bin Zainal Abiding; (4-12): MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng; Secretary Johnny Michael Tan; Timur Laut DLC Chairman Felix Chuah Gim Chuan; Barat Daya DLC Chairman James Mohan; SPT DLC Chairman Ridzuan Md Zain; SPU DLC Chairman Munusamy Muniandy; Committee Member Joseph Sawaremuthu; Committee Member Rahumathullah Ibrahim; and, Committee Member Victor Lim Kok Hooi; (13-26): MCPF Penang Timur Laut DLC – Vice-Chairman (II) YBhg. Dato’ Mohd Nashir bin Ya; Timur Laut Secretary Peter Paul Arokiyasamy; Committee Member Andy Ng Jui Boon; and, Committee Member Sally Ng Chit Peng; Barat Daya – Treasurer Nadzirah binti Omar; Committee Member Gideon Lau Sing Kwang; and, Committee Member Prabhu a/l Moghan; SPS – Committee Member Komagan a/l Lingam; and, Committee Member Bryan Chuah Jin Hooi; SPT – Vice-Chairman (II) Thomas Goh Eng Wah; and, Committee Member Kenny Ho Kee Meng; SPU – Secretary Haribalan Gopal; Treasurer Madzuki bin Md Nor; and, Committee Member Haji Habeeb Rahman bin Kamarul Zaman; (27-29) other MCPF Members from Penang – Matthew Selvaretnam; Tony Tan Kai Loon; and, Dannis Khaw Haur Yee. Besides these 29 strong MCPF contingent, MCPF SPS DLC also encouraged the participation of 12 Sekolah Rendah (Tamil) Students accompanied by their parents. MCPF Penang appreciates the guidance of Dato’ Seri Ong Poh Eng; the support of MCPF Secretariat staff for making the trip up to Penang and ensuring the successful set up of MCPF Booth. Thanks also to Joseph Sawaremuthu and Rahumathullah Ibrahim for working tirelessly and being part of the PGO 2023 Task Force which included Mangleswary Subramaniam of PWDC (Head, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership & also ex-officio, PWDC in MCPF Penang SLC) and its Program Officer Muhammad Farid Arsyad bin Foad.