
MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log Cum to Date reaches 531,155 Hits over 92 months!


MCPF Penang Website Visitors’ Log Hits for October 2023 hit a YTD Record High of 10,720 thus reaching 531,155 Hits Cum-to-Date (92 months) since March 2016. Ribuan Terima Kasih, Thank You, XieXieNie and Nandri Vanikam to our MCPF fraternity, Crime Prevention enthusiast and the general public for their continued interest to keep abreast with Crime Prevention updates. The 2023 Visitors’ Average Hit rate YTD of 8,612.00 compares is the highest ever versus monthly averages of 2022’s 6,141.67; 2021’s 5,736.00; 2020’s 5,565.75 2019’s 8,521.00; 2018’s 6,755.00; 2017’s 3,254.67 and 2016’s 1,445.10. The Maximum Unique Visitors per day touched 1,29k hits whilst the Minimum Unique Visitors per day was at 413. MCPF Penang’s Website have had a running rolling average of 5,773.42 Monthly Hits. Visitors to this Website can also link to MCPF Penang’s Facebook Page (link at bottom of Website).