Past Events

MCPF SPT DLC holds its Inaugural (Term 2023-2025) Meeting at PKPMM Meeting Room


MCPF Seberang Perai Tengah District Liaison Committee Chairman Ridzuan Md Zain chaired the SPT DLC Inaugural (Term of Office 2023-2025) Meeting at Bilik Mesyuarat PKPKM, Taman Pauh Jaya, SPT on 7th October 2023. Also in attendance were Vice-Chairman (II) Thomas Goh Eng Wah; Secretary Cik Haslina binti Kamaron; Treasurer Julian Goh Hoe Eng; Committee Member Ananthan Vasudevan; Committee Member Shimsol bin Kasim; Committee Member Kenny Ho Kee Meng; Committee Member and Committee Member Puan Nirmala Kuppusamy. James Mohan welcomed all present in this new Team and attendees shared more information about themselves. He also elaborated on the background / history of MCPF and its Mission and Objectives. Looking forward to SPT DLC’s commitment and support of District level programs, activities and events and to ensure the continuing success of MCPF Penang.