Past Events

MCPF Penang attends Penang Goes Orange 2023 Press Conference at Jade Room, Level 31, KOMTAR


MCPF Penang Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Ong Poh Eng led a small delegation that included Deputy Chairman YBhg. Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran, Secretary Johnny Michael Tan; and, SLC Members Joseph Sawaremuthu to attend a Press Conference to announce Penang Goes Orange 2023 at The Jade Room, Level 31, KOMTAR on 3rd October 2023. The PC Press Conference was attended by 22 organizations comprising of Government Agencies, NGOs including Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) Penang and key staff of Penang Women’s Development Corporation (PWDC). The Opening and Welcoming Speech was delivered by YB Puan Lim Siew Khim, State Assemblyman from Sungai Pinang and EXCO for Social Development, Welfare and Non-Islamic Affairs who expressed her delight that this year’s campaign was the 10th proving the Penang State Government’s commitment to curb all elements of crime, especially those against women and children. PWDC’s focus include ‘Zero tolerance on gender-based violent crimes. This year’s PGO campaign will last 16 days from 25th November 2023 till 10th December 2023. The campaign resonates with the International slogan “International Orange Day” with Orange reflecting a ‘bright future and Zero Violence’.

This year’s PGO campaign is to create awareness amongst the public on crime related issues perpetrated against women and children with the aim to find solutions to curtail such crimes. The Theme of #Kindness4Wellness: Stop Bullying” is aligned to the Ministry of Education’s concept of “Sekolahku Sejahtera: Sepakat dan Selamat”. The tracking by “Kesihatan dan Morbiditi Kebangsaan’ shows an alarming 175,575 students being bullied with 26.7% being victims of ‘Body Shaming’. At least 20% of students have experienced cyberbullying with Form 1 students being the most vulnerable. The official launching at The Esplanade will include Kindness4Wellness: Walk Against Bullying; and an Orange Carnival open to the public. PWDC working in collaboration with PDRM Penang and MCPF Penang looks forward to reaching out to 126 Secondary schools. The closing ceremony will be held on 9th December 2023 at SMK Bandar Tasek Mutiara, Simpang Ampat, SPS with YB Puan Fadhlina binti Sidek, Minister of Education being invited. In her concluding remarks, YB Puan Lim Siew Khim thanked Puan Ong Bee Leng, CEO of PWDC and her team to lead and chair the campaign.