Past Events

MCPF Penang finalizes Cyberbullying Talk Event with Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman


A short meeting was held on Friday 9th June 2023 9:00am to 10:00 am at the School Principal’s Office, Sekolah Menengah Teknik Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra (SMT TARP), Jalan Ibbetson, 11400, Penang to discuss and finalize plans for a “Ceramah Kesedaran Jenayah Siber dengan MCPF” scheduled to be held on Monday, 19th June 2023 8:30 am to 10:30 am. Meeting Attendees from SMT TARP were Tuan Mohd Salim bin Mohamed Yusoof, School Principal; Puan Noraziyan binti Ismail, Senior Assistant – Student Affairs; Puan Shukeriah binti Mustaffa, Senior Assistant, Co-curriculum; Dr. Asha Dass, External Relations Unit; and Encik Nazrul Azwan bin Ahmad Sabri, External Relations Unit. MCPF Penang were represented by JM Tan, Secretary and James Mohan, SLC Member cum Barat Daya DLC Chairman. It was a positive discussion covering topics / speakers, itinerary, and targeted audience. An estimated ~500+ 4th / 5th Formers and ~50 teachers will be in attendance. Overview of MCPF, Bullying in Schools with Focus on Cyberbullying will be presented. Interactive Q&A as well as Quiz Session will be included. Speakers from MCPF will be JM Tan & James Mohan.