Past Events

MCPF Penang sends strong contingent to MCPF 29th & 30th AGM at Dewan Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Maktab Polis Diraja Malaysia


Key Notables from the Official Address of YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin bin Nasution were: Acknowledgement of the achievements of all MCPF Federal, SLC, DLC & Members and in particular the 397 country wide delegates present. Special tribute to stalwarts (Tan Sri Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar and Tun Hanif Omar) being recognized as well as mention of Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Lee Lam Thye’s stellar contributions. He urged all to be cognizant of new challenges in Crime Prevention Awareness and Fight against Crime in changing socio, economic and technological changes and complexities. He outlined the top three Crime Prevention Awareness factors as being Reduction in Crime Rates, Improvement / Enhancement of Community Safety and Cost Effectiveness. He advised that the five key categories of crime to focus were ‘Property Crime’, ‘Violent Crime’, ‘White Collar Crime’, ‘Cyber Crime’ and ‘Drug Crime’. He updated that a new ‘Statutory body to fight Cybercrime’ is being set up and that its governing documentation is being drafted. He stressed that MCFP prerequisites at Federal, State and District Levels must be stable and strong and that all members must be aware of their roles and responsibilities. He ended by highlighting Leadership traits required must encompass ‘Expertise’, ‘Skills’ and ‘Competence’

MCPF Penang would also like to congratulate all the 17 EXCO Members 2023/2026 that were elected out of the 28 contestants. Our respect to both Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran and James Mohan for their candidacy and heartiest congratulations to Dato’ Seri K. Pulayantran on his being elected as one of the 17 new EXCO. It must also be mentioned that Balai Polis Simpang Ampat (Daerah Seberang Perai Selatan) emerged as one of the winners of the Program Lawatan Balai Polis: Balai Polis Cermelang MCPF 2022 – in the category Balai Polis Luar Bandar.

Acknowledgements to all MCPF Penang ‘family’ members (SLC, DLCs and ordinary MCPF Penang Members) who supported and contributed in this participation at the 29th & 30th AGM in one way or another.  Onward, Forward & Upward!