Past Events

MCPF Penang welcomes the news that YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail is now MCPF’s Chairman


MCPF Penang is pleased to welcome the news that YB Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail, Minister of Home Affairs is now MCPF’s new Chairman. Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution bin Ismail had in his Facebook announcement dated 16th February 2023 highlighted that he had received a courtesy visit led by MCPF Senior Vice-Chairman Y.Bhg. Dato’ Seri Ayub bin Yaakob who was accompanied by YDH SAC Baharudin Mustapha (Honorary Secretary, MCPF), YDH DSP Noorhamisen (Executive Secretary, MCPF) and Encik Norazlan Haji Idris (Corporate Manager, MCPF). He elaborated in his comments of his delight to be the Chairman of MCPF and looked forward to being able to be part of the quest for Malaysia to achieve Peace, Prosperity and fulfilling the aspirations of #MalaysiaMADANI.