Past Events

MCPF Timur Laut DLC supports AADK Penang Parenting Program Seminar at Dewan Perpaduan, KRT Kampung Melayu


MCPF Timur Laut DLC Chairman Felix Chuah Gim Chuan was accompanied by its DLC Committee Members Peter Paul Arokiyasamy, Teoh Kheng Tatt and Ceffiny Teh to support AADK Timur Laut “Parenting Program Seminar” at Dewan Perpaduan, KRT (Kawasan Rukun Tetangga) Kampung Melayu, Air Itam on 17th December 2022. The event agenda covered an Exhibition by AADK Penang; an introduction of KRT activities by Encik Mohd Azlan bin AKH Jamiyathulla Khan, KRT Chairman of Kampung Melayu; ‘Great Lifestyle Practices in the Family’ talk by Dr. Lee Huck Pin (Medical Officer of Air Itam Health Clinic); and, ‘Family and Community Drug Prevention’ talk by Encik Zulfadi Akmal bin Ahmad Zakaria (Prevention Unit of AADK P. Pinang); Other attendees included JPNIN (Jabatan Perpaduan Negara dan Integrasi Nasional) official; Unity Kindergarten Teacher; local community populace; AADK Timur Laut officials and Hj. Ayub Khan bin Hassan Ali, Chairman of the Sports and Youth Bureau of PEMADAM Timur Laut. This event is a follow-through of AADK Penang’s efforts to help turn Mukim 13 (Timur Laut) into a ‘Green Zone’. The Welcoming Speech was delivered by Encik Othman bin Saad (Unity Officer, North-East [Timur Laut] District whilst the Official Address was delivered by Puan Suhada bte Mior Aris (Pegawai Anti-Dadah S41) on behalf of Puan Lalithawathy a/l Kunaseelan (Head of AADK Daerah Timur Laut).